BR Instruments

B/R Instruments produce and distribute distillation equipment throughout the world. Started in 1966, B/R Instruments has a wide variety of manufacturing capabilities including glassblowing, welding, machining, and electronics assembly as well as OEM work. All of B/R Instruments products are engineered and supported on site in Maryland, USA.

D1160 Automatic Vacuum Distillation

This system performs the D1160 vacuum distillation automatically. Just put sample in the boiling flask and start the test.

D1160 Manual Vacuum Distillation

The manually operated ASTM D1160 vacuum distillation system is a turnkey system including everything needed to perform a D1160 distillation.

D1160 Semi Automatic Vacuum Distillation

The semi-automatic ASTM D1160 vacuum distillation system is a balance of automation and cost. This D1160 vacuum distillation system automatically controls most functions.